When Little Becomes Much

Even with limited resources, you can resource the Great Commission and leave a remarkable legacy for your church and the Kingdom.

by Courtney Coates on June 05, 2023

Often, I meet with families who do not feel they can make a Kingdom impact with modest means. We all want to make a difference, but sometimes we may feel we lack the ability or resources to have the impact we want. It is important to be reminded of the miraculous power of Christ to take that which is little and make it much. The blessing in this is that God has provided us with many tools by which to manage and plan for the future. Taking stock of what God has entrusted us to manage, both great and small, will remind us of God’s faithfulness and cause us to be more intentional about using what we have to reach others with the Gospel.

The feeding of the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish is one of the best-known miracles of Jesus’ ministry. As the song says, little becomes much when it is placed in the Master’s hand. This still holds true today. God uses small things to advance His kingdom and give Him glory. God used a poor widow to sustain a prophet. He used a young child to teach His disciples the powerful principles of humility and salvation. He used the jawbone of a donkey to slay 1,000 men. He used a sling and a stone to slay a mighty giant and defeat a nation.

Even with modest means, you may be surprised just how easy it is to leave a legacy for your church and the Kingdom. Here at the Baptist Foundation, we have legal tools and strategies to create new income streams for you and your loved ones while also blessing your church and the Kingdom. No matter what you choose to do, or how you do it, we are here to help even modest gifts make a sizeable Kingdom impact.

Here are some tips to help you leverage and maximize gifts of any size:

  • Maximize Your Gift with Endowments. You do not have to stand alone in giving to the local church, education or missions. Join other believers in contributing to one or more of the Foundation’s existing endowments. Endowments are already supported by hundreds of other kingdom builders who are making a great Kingdom impact. These growing endowments are never depleted and will exist until Jesus returns.
  • Consider Estate Planning. Aside from the many benefits that come from estate planning, you can also create a gift for your church or other Kingdom causes. This need not be a specific amount but can be a small percentage (10%) of your assets, leaving the remainder to the family. Your living trust takes care of your family and Kingdom causes while not sending too much money to the IRS. 
  • Give Appreciated Stock. You can easily make charitable gifts by transferring appreciated stock of any size to the Foundation to bless your local church and other Kingdom causes. The Foundation will receive the fair market value
    of the stock, while you pay no capital gains tax and receive an income tax deduction. This is an effective but underutilized source for charitable giving.
  • Life Insurance. You can purchase or transfer any portion of a life insurance policy and give this to Kingdom causes. By taking advantage of relatively low insurance premiums, you can have a major Kingdom impact in ways you could not otherwise imagine.
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRT). With a CRT, you can transfer a portion of any appreciable assets to the Foundation (i.e, real estate or tax-deferred retirement) to lessen future capital gains taxes for your loved ones. You can then choose who the beneficiaries will be, what the trust pays, and how long it will last. After providing for your family, the remainder of assets will go to Kingdom ministries.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA). With a CGA, you can transfer a portion of your assets, similar to a CRT, to minimize taxes. In addition to income and possible capital gains benefits, you (or you and your spouse) will receive guaranteed fixed payments for life. Then, the remainder goes to Kingdom ministries.
  • Real Estate. You can donate any interest, great or small, in real estate outright to the Foundation to bless Kingdom ministries and achieve tax savings. You may even create a life estate for your home, which will give you a tax deduction today while you retain the right to live in the property for life.

Yes, little things become much when we place them in the Master’s hand! Whatever God has blessed you with, the Baptist Foundation is here to help you maximize your gift and resource the Great Commission. 

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