Institutional Investing

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Doing ministry in the 21st century is expensive. Navigating the ever-changing financial landscape and markets can be very confusing and challenging. We are here to help.

For more than 65 years, The Baptist Foundation of California has been a trusted partner for churches, Christian organizations, and individuals who desire to honor the Lord with their wealth. We work with faithful stewards in creating plans that allow them to accomplish their ministry objectives. 

Your investment provides capital for growing ministries in California and beyond, enabling them to reach more people with the Gospel.


All rates variable. Offer only available for new deposits only. Investments in the Long-Term Income fund require a capital commitment of 36 months, early withdrawals are subject to penalty. Offer expires on 9/30/2024 and may be discontinued by The Baptist Foundation of CA at any time. Investment Funds are not FDIC insured, deposits of, or other obligations of The Baptist Foundation of California, are not guaranteed by the Foundation, and involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested. 

Our Approach


Investment Options

Fixed Income
This portfolio seeks to deliver consistent dividend income by investing in a diversified pool of church loans, church bonds, and other fixed-income investments. This fund is designed for churches and ministries that can commit capital for 36 months or longer.

Global Equity
A portfolio designed for long-term growth. It is an all-cap global stock portfolio that uses a manager of managers approach, and combines both passive and active management styles. This fund is screened in a manner that corresponds to Christian values. This portfolio is designed for organizations who can commit to investing for 5 or more years.

Primary Alternatives
This portfolio is designed for long-term growth. The fund is invested in a diversified manner across multiple asset classes such as global equities (private and public markets), fixed income (private and public markets), real estate, private credit, natural resources, commodities, and alternative hedging strategies. This fund invests in a faith-driven and redemptive manner where possible. This fund is designed for investors with a time horizon of five years or greater

Model Allocations

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