Three Ways Investing with BFCal Impacts The Kingdom of God

by Bradley Frailey on June 11, 2024

In the realm of financial stewardship, churches grapple with the challenge of managing their funds wisely. What is to be done when a church is left with surplus funds after covering their operating expenses? If your church does not need the funds in the near future, investments in BFCal’s funds could not only benefit your church but also Kingdom work being done across the globe.

1. Multiplying and Stewardship

The first and most obvious reason for investing with BFCal lies in the church’s ability to multiply and be good stewards of the funds entrusted to them. This principle finds its roots in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). In this parable, a master entrusts his servants with talents, expecting them to invest and multiply it. The ones who faithfully multiply their talents are commended, while the one who buries it is rebuked.

Similarly, by investing, churches can engage in the multiplication of the financial resources they have been entrusted with, echoing the principles of the parable. Many people think of cash as an asset class without risk. However, the hidden cost of staying in cash is the erosion of purchasing power due to inflation. And with inflation running high for the last several years, this erosion has occurred at a more rapid rate than usual. Thoughtful investing can offset or even outpace this trend to ensure your church maintains the ability to support its mission.

2. Reflecting God’s Stewardship in Investing

Where we invest our money matters. At BFCal, we intentionally employ portfolios that reflect a biblical worldview. This goes beyond avoiding investments in areas contrary to our beliefs. Instead, we also actively seek opportunities to invest in areas that please God and honor others.

The primary underlying asset in our fixed rate funds are church loans, essential capital deployed for expanding the reach of the Gospel in our communities. Our equities funds are screened to remove investing in companies involved in the production of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, gambling, pornography, and abortifacients. And our Primary Alternatives fund seeks to invest in faith-driven and redemptive investments where possible. Investing is not a zero-sum game. We can achieve competitive market returns while investing in areas that correspond with our beliefs.

3. Reinvesting in the Kingdom of God

At BFCal, we do not have stockholders who require dividend payments. This allows us to focus on our mission to resource the Great Commission. Once we cover operating costs, we are dedicated to reinvesting back into the Kingdom of God. Over the last two years, the Foundation has contributed $580,000 to endowments supporting Southern Baptist causes in the state of California. By choosing to invest and do business with BFCal, churches actively participate in furthering the goal of supporting ministry in our state.

The reasons for investing with the Baptist Foundation of California extend beyond financial gains for your church. We want to give you the tools to build portfolios that your church can be proud of, knowing that your investment is doing good beyond any returns seen on a statement.

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