The Pastor's Study: Moises Garcia's Call to Pastoral Ministry

Pastor Moises Garcia of New Life Baptist Church in Fresno, California, shares his journey from pursuing a medical career to answering God’s call to pastoral ministry, a path confirmed through prayer and divine guidance. Drawing inspiration from biblical passages like 1 Samuel 3 and 2 Timothy 1, he emphasizes the importance of faith, stewardship, and reliance on God’s wisdom in serving as a pastor. Through over 35 years of ministry, Pastor Garcia has experienced the transformative power of obedience to God’s calling, fostering spiritual growth and financial health within his congregation.

by Amanda Salas on January 21, 2025

PASTOR MOISES GARCIA serves as the Senior Pastor of New Life Baptist Church, a thriving congregation located in Fresno, California.

With a heart for ministry and a commitment to serving his community, Pastor Garcia leads with vision, passion, and dedication, guiding the church in spiritual growth, outreach, and service.

1. How Did God Call You to Pastoral Ministry?

My calling into pastoral ministry began after one Sunday night service when my pastor and superintendent of my denomination in Hoboken, New Jersey cornered me in the foyer to tell me they both had a dream that I would pursue pastoral ministry.

I had just graduated high school and was set to attend Oral Roberts University (ORU), with a $50,000 scholarship to study Pre-Med. I firmly believed I was called to be a doctor and even promised to support the church financially. Thus, I set out towards medical school.

At ORU, we were required to attend chapel every Wednesday. One late August, the preacher Richard Roberts preached on 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. Right then, I sensed the Holy Spirit’s conviction, reminding me of that Sunday night in Hoboken, and asking me, “Now will you obey me and pursue the calling I have upon your life to serve me as a minister of the Gospel shepherding the flock?”

I began to pray with my roommate for confirmation; then I called my mother. She revealed that she had always prayed for a firstborn who was called to pastoral ministry. This brought me peace and confirmed my path. After leaving a $50,000 scholarship at ORU, God assured me He would provide. When I got home, Reverend Militino Martinez encouraged me and suggested I attend Nyack College.

In His grace, God used Nyack College to offer me free tuition, which further confirmed my calling. I believe a clear calling from God is essential for anyone in pastoral ministry to overcome challenges and opposition. When faced with difficulties, God reminds me of my call to serve as a shepherd under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. I have been dedicated to this ministry for over 35 years.

2. What Bible Story or Passage Do You Think Best Describes the Role of a Pastor?

Two key passages illustrate the calling and role of a pastor: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 and 2 Timothy 1:1-14.

In the story of Samuel, his mother Hannah vowed to dedicate him to the Lord after God blessed her with a son. She kept her promise by bringing Samuel to Eli, where he would learn to hear and respond to God’s calling. Under Eli’s mentorship, Samuel embraced his divine purpose and fulfilled his role as a prophet throughout his life.

In 2 Timothy, the Apostle Paul reflects on his own calling from Jesus, which exemplifies pastoral service. He shares with Timothy the importance of living a holy life, grounded in God’s grace and purpose. Paul’s experiences of suffering for the Gospel serve as a powerful reminder of the commitment required in pastoral ministry. He encourages Timothy to uphold sound teaching and guard the truth entrusted to him with the Holy Spirit’s help. This call to faithfulness resonates deeply, illustrating the responsibilities and sacrifices inherent in serving as a pastor.

3. What Are Your Favorite Books?

My favorite books are true stories about believers who faithfully followed God’s calling, such as D.L. Moody, Charles H. Spurgeon, John Wesley, and Corrie Ten Boom. Their lives inspire me to remain obedient to God, reminding us that if we surrender to Him, amazing things can happen.

One impactful book for me is “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” by Jim Cymbala and Dean Merrill. It encourages those called to challenging ministries, showing what God can accomplish through obedience. From my own experience in planting churches in challenging locations, I can attest that God will never fail you, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem.

4. What Brings Financial Health to Churches?

Teaching our congregation to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to them involves highlighting the blessings of giving. Throughout my ministry, I have focused on the importance of tithes and offerings, often referencing Malachi 3:6.

For our ministry to thrive, we must remain faithful in our giving and convey its benefits to individuals and families. Recently, a member who had never tithed before shared his concerns about finances. I encouraged him to trust God and start small by giving twenty dollars, with a plan to increase it to ten percent of his income.

A few months later, he reported having more money in his account than ever before, crediting the biblical principles he followed for his newfound financial wisdom. He also proceeded to sponsor three youths for camp, embodying the principle of helping others. Effective teaching and responsible leadership are essential for a church’s financial health.

I’m grateful to work with wise leaders and have hired a business administrator for oversight. Additionally, The Baptist Foundation of California has been a tremendous resource. When two air conditioning units broke down during my first year as a senior pastor at New Life, they helped me secure a loan to replace them just in time for summer.

5. How Has God Used Ministry to Bring You Closer to Him?

I believe most pastors would agree that serving God fosters a strong dependency on Him. Our relationship with the triune God deepens as we rely on His wisdom and the Holy Spirit to guide His flock.

As Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” I realize I can achieve nothing for Jesus without daily connection to Him. Engaging with His Word and spending time in prayer are vital for my spiritual growth.

The difference is clear, especially when preparing sermons or discipleship materials; staying connected to Jesus makes my preparation time much more rewarding. My years of serving in ministry have certainly brought me closer to God.

It has been a wonderful journey of getting to know Him better and experiencing His kindness and goodness in my life daily. I am truly thankful for His calling to serve in pastoral ministry. As a young man just out of high school, I dreamed of becoming a medical doctor. However, God directed me to provide spiritual guidance from His Word instead. It has been an incredible honor and privilege to serve Him, and I look forward to doing so for many more years to come.

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