Sow What? Sowing Seeds For Kingdom Expansion

by Courtney Coates on June 11, 2024

Most of us are familiar with the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Let’s all say it together, “You will reap what you sow.” This simple concept of farming illustrates a profound biblical principle of stewardship. Why did God choose to use something as small as a seed to facilitate His master plan for creation? There are over 250 references to “seed” in the Bible. Reviewing these scriptures, God had a much greater plan than filling the earth with people, animals, trees, plants, and vegetation. His plan for sowing seeds and reaping a natural harvest parallels His spiritual plan for expanding the Kingdom of God.

God reminds us in His Word that planting seeds and reaping harvests are a part of God’s essential design, not only for creation but also His overall kingdom expansion agenda. (2 Corinthians 9:6; Mark 4:3-9; Luke 6:38) We are called to sow generously, not only in terms of financial giving but also in sowing seeds of righteousness and kindness. (Gal. 6:7-8; Gal. 5:22-23) God alone controls the results of our obedience - one plants, another waters, and God causes the growth. (1 Cor. 3:6-9). If we remain faithful to this call and not grow weary, God promises we will reap a harvest of material and/or spiritual blessings in due season. (Gal. 6:9)

For most families, estate planning can be a powerful tool for sowing seeds for kingdom expansion. By carefully considering how your assets will be distributed after your passing, you can ensure that your resources are used to further God’s work and advance His kingdom.

Here are four ways you can incorporate kingdom expansion into your estate planning:

1. Tithing

Consider an estate plan that leaves a tithe (10%) or some other percentage of your estate to support your local church or other ministries that are aligned with your values and focused on spreading the Gospel. Consider training and equipping existing or aspiring pastors by supporting Gateway Seminary, California Baptist University, or California Southern Baptist Convention.

2. Specific Gifts

Consider making a lasting impact by making specific gifts to directly support specific kingdom-building initiatives. This may include specific gifts to support NAMB church planting, CSBC disaster relief, or church outreach/evangelism through SoCal Baptist Ministries grants.

3. Planned Giving

Explore options like charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities, which can provide you or family members with regular income during your lifetime while also benefiting kingdom-focused organizations after your passing. These tools help you and your loved ones leverage appreciating assets while lessening your family’s tax liability.

4. Endowments

Create or donate to one of BFCal’s existing endowment funds to provide ongoing financial support to a specific church, ministry, or organization. The Foundation has created four new endowments to support CBU double-major scholarships, retired pastors or their widows (Mission:Dignity 13th Check), Gateway Seminary (Karen Denise Watson Endowment), and CSBC Pastors’ Conference. Endowments continue to grow and are distributed annually until Jesus returns. By setting aside a portion of your assets to generate annual income, you can ensure that your giving continues to make a huge difference long after you are gone.

Friends, remember that sowing seeds through estate planning and other planned giving options is a personal and individualized process. It is important to consult with a qualified estate planning attorney or financial advisor who can help you navigate the legal and financial aspects of incorporating kingdom expansion into your plans. Our team of experts are ready to assist you as needed to sow seeds of generosity and righteousness to resource the Great Commission.

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