Investing for Kingdom Impact

Maximize your ministry's potential through biblically-inspired investing practices.

by Robert Duncan on June 05, 2023

At the Baptist Foundation of California, we are never shy in saying that we love pastors, churches, and ministries that take the gospel to the nations. And while we are not on the front lines of ministry, we strive to do all we can to help support ministry efforts. We call this Resourcing the Great Commission.

We understand that ministry, whether it is in California or around the world, requires significant financial resources. That is why we are here to assist churches and ministries in generating the funds they need to fulfill their mission. BFCal can benefit churches and ministries through investment management in three ways: by creating an investment plan, offering potential for competitive returns, and providing peace of mind in knowing that funds are invested through a biblical lens.

Many churches and ministries may not have a clear investment strategy in place, which can result in inefficient uses of their financial resources. BFCal offers expert financial advice and guidance to help churches and ministries develop a strategic investment plan that aligns with their mission, vision, and financial goals. This includes understanding the risk tolerance, time horizon, and investment objectives of the church or ministry, and then tailoring an investment plan that meets their specific needs. Having a strategically designed investment plan can provide churches and ministries with a roadmap to effectively manage their funds and generate maximum impact.

BFCal offers a range of investment options, including fixed-rate investments and growth-oriented funds. Our diversified funds may invest in real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, private equity, and other options that have the potential to generate solid returns over time. These investment options are carefully selected and managed by our team of experienced financial professionals, who apply a biblical lens to the investment process. While investment returns are not guaranteed, BFCal aims to generate competitive returns that can help churches and ministries grow their funds and support their mission work. Earning competitive returns can provide churches and ministries with a sustainable source of income that can be used to fund ministry programs, outreach events, and mission trips, among other initiatives.

Churches and ministries have a stewardship responsibility to effectively manage their financial resources in a way that aligns with their values and beliefs. BFCal shares this commitment to biblical principles and applies them to the investment process. This means that investments made through BFCal are screened to ensure that they are in line with standards that are biblical, ethical, and moral. Additionally, we not only avoid certain investments, we actively seek to invest in ways that are kingdom enhancing and redemptive. In other words, we want to invest in companies that are being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. This can give churches and ministries confidence that their funds are invested in a manner that aligns with their faith and values.

Investing in a way that benefits your ministry and the world is a lofty goal. We are here to help make that goal a reality. 

Tags: investing, opinion, duncan

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