As a church, you want to make disciples of all nations, but doing outreach and evangelism is expensive. Let us provide resources for your next outreach efforts. Grants are available from BFCal through the generosity and stewardship of California Southern Baptists.
Create & Manage Your Grant Application
Eligibility Guidelines
- Applicant churches must be affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention (CSBC).
- Applicant churches must be current financial contributors to the Cooperative Program of the CSBC.
- The applicant church has not received $5,000 or more within the current year from the same grant program.
- The project must be an evangelism and outreach program taking place within the state of California.
- Applicants must agree to submit a grant response report to SoCal within 30 days of the conclusion of the program or project. Recipients failing to submit a grant response report will not be eligible for future funding without review.
- First-time applicants are given priority in application consideration.
- The event must occur at least 50 days after the application deadline
- Due July 15, 2025 (event must occur after September 3)
- Due January 15, 2026 (event must occur after March 5)
- Due July 15, 2026 (event must occur after September 2)
The grant program DOES FUND projects and events that focus on the following five areas:
- Local Missions
- Evangelistic Outreach
- Ministry Outreach
- Disaster Relief Efforts
- Hunger Relief Efforts
The grant program DOES NOT FUND general budget needs such as:
- Staffing
- Equipment
- General Budget Support or Unrestricted Funds
- Capital Improvements
- Debt Relief
- Camps/Retreats
- Mission Trip
Grant Applications are considered two times per year and may be submitted any time prior to the following deadlines:
- Due July 15, 2025 (event must occur after September 3)
- Due January 15, 2026 (event must occur after March 5)
- Due July 15, 2026 (event must occur after September 2)
- Applicants will be notified of decisions within 45 days of deadline.
NOTE: The Board requires a response to grants that have been awarded in the past. Therefore, if your church has received a grant in the past, you will be required to submit a response for the prior event before a new application can be processed. Grant responses are now required to be completed online through the website.
Go to grant portal